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Elie Chandler

Associate Mathematics Consultant

Elie joined the First4Maths Academy team in 2023. Elie is passionate about the Early Years Foundation Stage and has been an EYFS lead for the last 9 years in Chester, during this time Elie, has become a Specialist Leader in Education (SLE). Using these skills, she has successfully led the moderation process for the EYFS within her Multi Academy Trust for the last 6 years. Within her consultancy role at First4Maths she has led moderation for Nursery and Reception teachers and developed training to support them in their role. 

Elie enjoys curriculum design which includes creating engaging opportunities for children to learn through adult-led and child-initiated learning experiences, particularly within mathematics. Elie is excited to be working with First4Maths Academy and is looking forward to the opportunity to develop further training and resources to support other teachers within their role.